Pool Fence Quality
Today I had an experience that I have had numerous times before doing my job keeping pools safe. Among my six different stops today estimating pool fences and attending to customer service and repairs, I had two stops that made it clear as could be that, Pool Guard of San Diego delivers the best in Pool Fence Quality.

Pool Fence Quality by Pool Guard of San deigo.
At stop number two, I met with a customer to make sure that his pool fence installation was going well and to check in with the installer. We were adding on a small amount of pool fence in order to keep his dog off to the side in a dog run. (We do more pet fencing than you might think). When I got there I was able to see the Pool Guard Fence that was already surrounding the pool. I said “Your pool fence looks good and should match well with the new pool fence we are adding today.” The customer said “Great. I know it will take care of the dog because I already know its good pool Fence. I got my pool fence in 2004”. 2004 makes his fence 13 years old. It looked as if it could be just 2 or 3 years old. Now you know why we give our Pool Guard fence a life time warranty. Seeing a older pool fence stilling looking good because of Pool Guards Pool Fence Quality isn’t that rare, but what made today worth writing about was my sixth stop of the day.

Low Pool Fence Quality
Just a quick repair of a pool fence was need for my sixth stop of the day. Once I got there I knew that this was not a quality pool fence and not a Pool Guard product. It was a competitors fence and it looked ragged. While I was happy to get the pool back to safe, I wasn’t sure how much life the fence still had in it. The sun had worn it out. The poles looked strong but the boarder on the mesh looked like it was going to blow away in the wind. It was a 2011 fence and hadn’t even made a decade yet. Despite having border material with four stitches, the sun had clearly won the battle. Proving that the most important detail of pool fence boarder isn’t the number of stitches but the boarder materiel itself. Also worth noting that is was made out of the older style textoline mesh which is general seen as inferior to interlock mesh and mostly reserved for lower quality Chinese mesh pool fence today.

4 stitch pool fence boarder falling apart
What can I say, but that the pictures tell the story. Pool Guard of San Diego has Pool Fence Quality figured out.
Call today 619 547 4029
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