Pool Fence installed in Bonita & made in America
Not all mesh pool fence is created equally. Some fence is manufactured in America and the other is made in China. While it is true that most of us have great products in our house that have been made in China, Mesh Removable Pool Fencing made by the Chinese isn’t like those products. It’s currently true that all Chinese pool fence is inferior American made pool fence. There are two main reasons for the difference in quality.
American made black mesh pool fence in Carlsbad
First is the history of American made mesh pool fence is much longer. Almost 50 years ago Removable Mesh Pool Fencing was invented and began being manufactured in the U.S.A. In fact there are still more American Pool fence factories than there are in China. With over 40 years more experience in pool safety, it’s the American manufactures that have learned the lessons of what materials hold up to the sun, water, and heat. Which screws hold tight in the aluminum poles and the types of thread to put into the boarder. Customers helped along the way by having direct access and communication with American pool fence factories. Pool Guard mesh pool fence is a premium product that carries a lifetime warranty. Pool Fence made in China on the other hand has a much short history and not surprisingly they haven’t had as much feedback from pool owners.
Black mesh pool gate installed in Chula Vista
The second reason that Chinese mesh pool fence comes up short when compared to its American counterpart is because it’s only a niche industry in China. While they have many more people, we have many more pool owners. There is almost no domestic market for pool safety in China, so they look abroad for markets. It’s America that invented Mesh Removable Pool Fencing and Secure Safety Pool Covers. Swimming Pool fencing is only a niche market in their view so they couple it to other markets should as outdoor furniture or sunshades. So, it’s only natural to them that the factories make these products. Un like American mesh fencing manufactures that focus only on pool safety fences the Chinese made mesh fences come from manufacturers that made their fence product on the side. It’s very common for a Chinese textile factory to make pool fence only because they have a huge supply of the textoline mesh on hand for making other products. Because of this I know of no Chinese pool fence that meets California State Laws (ASTM) Specifications F 2286 for safety-pool-fencing required for Foster Parents, child adoption, and child-care providers. At the end of the day because pool safety isn’t their main focus, so their fence product lacks the quality that made in the USA pool fence has.
Brown mesh pool fence in Santee
Pool Guard’s Pool Fence Product Certification to exceed ASTM F2286-05 Standards
View the certification here.
This specification was developed by the consumer product safety commission and outlines the performance and design requirements for removable mesh safety barriers used for barriers for swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas to reduce the incidence of injuries or death for infants and children up to and including five years of age.
What’s this all mean?, While both types of fencing are seen as safe. American mesh pool fencing across the board will last longer and look better than Chinese swimming pool fences. So why buy Chinese pool fence? Well in most cases it cost less. That’s why here at Pool Guard we provide you with high quality American made pool fence and low cost Chinese economy mesh pool fence. Not all pool fence companies can give you this option. If you want the best pool fence, no problem. However if you maybe just bought a house and had your first baby and cash is a little tight, then we have the lower cost Chinese fence option. We carry Chinese economy pool fencing because just because you have a smaller budget doesn’t mean your pool can’t be made safe from drowning.
America made pool cover installed in the city of San Marcos
Over the past ten years Chinese pool fence has come onto the market in California and is a great answer for a low cost pool safety barrier. The only problem I see, especially in San Diego County, with the new introduction of import fence is that some pool fence dealer only offer Chinese pool mesh fence. Unlike the rest of Southern California, where customers can still have a choice, San Diego, from Chula Vista to Temecula, now has several pool fence companies that only offer Chinese low cost import fence. If American made, top quality pool fence is important to you, be sure to ask for American made fence during your estimates. Companies that sell both types of pool fence will let you know you have a option. SD pool fence companies that only offer Chinese pool fence are not likely to let you know it’s imported unless you ask.
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Serving The Entire San Diego County of California Call Today 951 387 6010
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